Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer full of fun!

We had such a blessed summer! We did all sorts of wonderful things. We played in the sprinkler more than we can count, played in the park with friends, and took bike rides.
Saw our Aunt and cousins from Hawaii. Went to Grandma and Grandpa's farm and played with our cousins, fished, road the three wheeler, ate fire roasted marshmallow's, took a bunch of nature walks, and enjoyed rowing down the stream on Grandpa's boat.
Then we saw our Aunt, Uncle, and cousins from Michigan. We enjoyed three beautiful days of playing, eating, and playing till we dropped.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Looks you guys had loads of fun this summer. My kids were in playmate heaven while we were in town to visit. It was so great to see you all!